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 It all comes down to Leadership


Our experience and portfolio of services is broad, but for organizations to excel, it all comes down to great leadership at all levels. We dare to say that at each and every one of the touch-points we have with a company, leadership effectiveness is impacted in a positive way. That is what we do: we develop leaders and leadership every day.



What we offer – Partners in helping you shape your Organization’s Future.

Passion, Drive for excellence, and thoughtful solutions.

Fostering leadership and a culture of innovation by tapping into the full potential of your leaders and employees is our forte.  If you are looking for solutions to nurture your talent, build an environment of engagement, agility and innovation, then we are the right for partners for you.  We are an international consulting company operating with offices in Europe, Australia and the United States, and 2 associated offices in Asia. Founded in 1992 with experience spanning the globe, in every major industry.

Tapping into the willingness to learn and constructively challenging old operating paradigms

The Challenge Learning cycle shows the challenges organizations are facing and the domains in which we are active

Read more about: Tailored solutions

Our Service portfolio

Read more about: Our service portfolio

Why us

Strong international network, lean and agile structure, responsive and quick.



We speak up, question and challenge when needed.
Knowledge Transfer and Empowerment

Knowledge Transfer and Empowerment

We empower our clients, providing tools and insights that enable them to take positive action on their own.
The pleasure of Learning

The pleasure of Learning

We keep abreast with new approaches and research in the field blending academia and market voices. Learning is perpetual.
Positive and lively attitude

Positive and lively attitude

The best learning, creativity or problem-solving comes when people are in the right spirit: respected, energized, hopeful, open and willing to contribute; we create that environment.
A pragmatic approach

A pragmatic approach

We balance newness with realism and utility. Novelty can be useful, but lasting organization change bases itself on clarity of purpose, good planning and well thought-out action.


Latest posts

The dilemma of choosing a self-assessment instrument (part 2)

The dilemma of choosing a self-assessment instrument (part 2)

The dilemma of choosing an assessment instrument (part 2) – by Nanette Orsini and Beate Vetter – Challenge Learning France and Switzerland (, ) In part 1 of our series of articles on assessment tools was referring to those generally known as personality instruments which are frequently used in leadership Development Programs or in Team Workshop […]
Want to have tailored training that sticks and meets your needs?

Want to have tailored training that sticks and meets your needs?

Check our video about tailored training programs!
Lunch and Learn

Lunch and Learn

INTRODUCTION Challenge Learning’s new Lunch & Learn series offers bite-sized corporate education modules designed to foster continuous organizational learning and stimulating employee engagement. The idea being to deliver these modules at midday to allow participation from other time zones, potentially followed by a lunch/breakfast, during which employees will have the time to absorb the topics […]

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