
Managing and Leading Teams


“Lead and Manage Teams”, the second step to the leadership “journey” is filled with experiential activities and reflection. We introduce the dynamics of teams and the principles of high performing teams whether virtual, project or on site teams. We offer tools to assess and problem-solve team issues you may face.


Understanding the foundation of high performing teams

Teaming: a precious attribute for anyone in todays’ work environment

Grasping the dynamics and the life cycle of teams

Functioning or Dysfunctioning of team: things to watch for

Leading teams: a fine balance between attention to the individual needs and to the group dynamic

Conflict Resolution: conflict management and mediation methods


Certification and tools supporting
Managing and Leading Teams 


  • Challenge Learning Team Scan© 360° and 180° Team feedback
  • Lencioni dysfunctions of Team®
  • Situational Leadership, Center for Leadership Studies® (Paul Hersey)
  • Team Management Index® (TMI)
  • Team Management System® (TMS)
  • Wide palette of team simulations and experiential learning tools