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Best reads on innovation – Our picks

by Beate Vetter and Nanette Orsini – Challenge Learning Switzerland and France (beate.vetter@challengelearning.com and mao@challengelearning.com )

Our # 1 …..still valid for any Innovator to start with:

Although already written in 1997, the lessons of The Innovator’s Dilemma are more valid than ever. Clayton Christensen takes a look at why large, once successful companies fail and why business success does not necessarily breed success. Outstanding companies can do everything right and still lose their market leadership – or worse, disappear completely. We all know the examples. Often blind to emerging technologies or changing market trends makes their once-innovative products obsolete. The lesson cannot be repeated enough: Adapt early and often, even if it costs you profits today.


# 2 for Leaders, Founders, Coaches and Consultants:

…and for everyone who desires leading the way in managing organizations into the new era, stopping employees disengagement, creating an inspiring and enlightened culture.
“In this groundbreaking book, the author shows that every time humanity has shifted to a new stage of consciousness in the past, it has invented a whole new way to structure and run organizations, each time bringing extraordinary breakthroughs in collaboration. A new shift in consciousness is currently underway. Could it help us invent a radically more soulful and purposeful way to run our businesses and nonprofits, schools and hospitals?”

„Reinventing Organizations“ describes in practical detail how organizations large and small can operate in this new paradigm. Leaders, founders, coaches, and consultants will find this work a joyful handbook, full of insights, examples, and inspiring stories.


# 3 we did not like the title too much, but we love the book……

Lisa Bodell proves Peter Drucker’s “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”…….and adds “and Innovation” for desert……….a fantastic book with a lot of practical examples, exercises and tips to kill outdated rules and transform the organization step by step.


# 4 Chuck Klosterman’s approach: We must “think about the present as if it were the distant past.”

Klosterman suggest to let go of the confidence we place in our current version of reality and trying to detect how that version might be severely and widely mistaken. Not an easy read, however full of brain teasers with amusing and amazing questions.


# 5, as a contrast to book # 4 fast forwards 30 years

Despite Kevin Kelly’s big picture approach it takes some effort to ease into the book with 12 chapters full of ideas on what will and might come and how it impacts our society, products, work and organizations.


#6…a brilliant memoir of a great inventor.

“Just read it”…….



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